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Family Classified Ads

The following postings are submitted by families who are currently looking to contract a Direct Support Provider. Only those who request this service are advertised on the site.

To submit a Family Classified Ad, please complete the appropriate section on your family profile, or contact the Respite Resource Coordinator.

Individual ID# : 35777

Description of Individual : M is an almost six-year-old girl, who was born with spina bifida, bilateral hip dysplasia/club feet, as well as neurogenic bladder, and history of urinary tract infections.

She has a true love for life and no matter the challenges she may encounter she never lets that hold her back! She loves going for walks, swimming and being outside. When she’s not outdoors she enjoys listening to music and singing her little heart out! She enjoys doing arts and crafts, make up, painting nails and playing with Barbie’s.
Worker's Role : Looking for someone who is enthusiastic, fun and passionate about life like M.

Must be able to lift 80+lbs as she is confined to a wheelchair and may require assistant’s in lifting/transferring her.
Availability : Must be available during the weekends as this is when I am home 1 on 1 with her and trying to get things done around the house such as laundry, cleaning and I am currently going back to school.

I may require assistance while I am at school on Fridays - Sundays. As well as during the week and weekends during the summer.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Espanola & area
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : April 5, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jfeth@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 35777

Individual ID# : 35926

Description of Individual : Hi! I am looking for someone with expertise in American Sign Language to support a 8 year old boy with autism. He is minimally verbal and has developmental delays.
Worker's Role : Patience to use ASL with 8 year old with special needs in various environments (e.g., with family, occasional support at SLP/school/ABA), and in conjunction with various activities (e.g., playing outside and inside).
Availability : Open
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted :  

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 35926

Individual ID# : 36060

Description of Individual : 11 year old little girl with Autism . She can communicate what she wants for the most part. Some of her language consists of scripting( from videos) and echolalia. She's super silly and LOVES enthusiasm and loves when you copy her and act silly. When she gets upset , she bites herself and you'll hear a lot of the scripting.
Worker's Role : Help daughter with waking up in the morning, personal hygiene/ basic care and put her on the bus for school. For the most part she's independent , just needs lot of prompting and reminders. Needs a full assist for brushing her teeth and doing her hair, everything else shes independent , might need prompting.

- 7am Hangout at the house
-Wake her up a 7:50 (if shes not already up)
-Bus comes at 8:50ish
Just need someone to be here for 7 because i work at 7:30.
Availability : Need someone for before school 7-9 monday-friday, even if its 3 days a week just to give my mom relief from doing it everyday as I work early in the mornings.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted :  

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jfeth@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 36060

Individual ID# : 33286

Description of Individual : Individual is a 12 year old male diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, DMDD, tic disorder and major depressive disorder with anxiety. He is kind, friendly, polite and generous. He also exhibits challenging behaviours such a verbal bouts and, on occasion, physical bouts as well. He has been known to run when anxious.
Worker's Role : To provide a mature and friendly relationship with the child by engaging in activities of the child’s interest and helping him, if needed, to go out into the community. Other needs may/will arise over time.
Availability : Worker will be needed two to three times per week for a few hours so mother can have respite.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : $15-18
Date Posted :  

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jfeth@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 33286

Individual ID# : 35720

Description of Individual :
Worker's Role :
Availability :
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted :  

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 35720

Individual ID# : 36008

Description of Individual :
Worker's Role : In need of a Respite Provider to support a 6 year old boy one to one.
Availability : Priority is to develop a predictable and structured schedule for purpose of supporting parents.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : July 25, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 36008

Individual ID# : 36003

Description of Individual : Require a responsible respite worker with a lot of patience for a 7 year old.
Worker's Role : caregiving
Availability : flexible
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : July 24, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 36003

Individual ID# : 34605

Description of Individual : I am Looking for a Respite Service for a 5-year-old boy (Autistic) with few words.
He is happy and energetic and loves gross motor play such as Climbing, jumping, swinging, and running. As well as to help with routine activities such as playing, and socializing.
Help with communication, play with kids to increase communication, walk kids outside in a park or close place. meet at home for an activity.
Region: Sudbury
Rate of Pay: Negotiable
Worker's Role :
Availability : Any day after school into the evening.
Weekends any time of the day.
No overnights and no holidays.
PD day
Vacation period
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : March 20, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 34605

Individual ID# : 30194

Description of Individual : My child has Rett Syndrome. She is unable to talk or walk. She communicates with her eyes and is a very happy girl. There will be some lifting to support her. She recently started having seizures, she is on medication, and it has helped. She is an easy going girl that just wants attention.
Worker's Role : The role would be caring for her as I would. Feeding, changing, and keeping her happy. Read books to her, play with her, and do exercises. If care is required at night she goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps pretty well.
Availability : I'm looking for nights or weekends here and there. Just so I'm able to get out for a bit. Possibly overnight if needed.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Sudbury Region
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : March 19, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 30194

Individual ID# : 36100

Description of Individual : Five year old girl that enjoys playing and positive attention.
Worker's Role : To provide short term respite relief for caregiver. To provide respite within home and provide respite opportunities for child in community.

After school support.
Availability : After school and during some weekends.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Val Caron, Hanmer, Capreol
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : September 19, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jfeth@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 36100

Individual ID# : 35983

Description of Individual : A 6 yr old ASD/ADHD child.
Worker's Role : Provide socialization/support.
Availability : Afternoons, some evenings
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Val Caron, Hanmer, Capreol
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : July 10, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 35983

Individual ID# : 27831

Description of Individual : 13 year old boy, diagnosed with autism and ADHD, who enjoys video games and YouTube, pickleball, swimming, and riding his scooter.
Worker's Role : We are seeking a respite worker who will appreciate our 13 year old's qualities, who may be available for some summer respite work from around 7:45am-5:15 pm, or occasional evenings or weekends during the school year. We are aiming to establish a good working relationship with a respite care individual who will have a rewarding role in our son's life, and he in theirs.
Availability : Occasional daytime summer respite while parents are at work (7:45am -5:15pm), and during school year occasionally a few hours on a weekend.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Val Caron, Hanmer, Capreol
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : July 9, 2024

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jfeth@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 27831

Individual ID# : 35594

Description of Individual : Responsible, kind and empathetic respite worker who has experience working with tween/teens. The ideal worker would be creative and enjoy arts, crafts, reading (graphic novels and mangas), anime and k-pop.
Worker's Role : Take young teen out for an activity or meet at home for an activity every week.

Caregiver is willing to drive youth to a public place for a meeting (mall, cinema, bowling alley, Bell Park, etc.) if the worker does not have a licence and vehicle.

Worker could also come to our home to bake or cook, craft, etc.
Availability : Friday evenings or any time Saturdays and Sundays. Preferably at the same time every week.
Nearest Main Intersection :
Region : Val Caron, Hanmer, Capreol
Rate of Pay : Negotiable
Date Posted : December 20, 2023

To respond to this classified, please send an e-mail to the Co-ordinator, at jatkinson@ccnsudbury.on.ca and quote ID# 35594


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