is a provincially driven program that provides a free service to people with an intellectual and/or physical disability who are looking to connect with a direct support provider. The Coordinator of this program will be able to provide profiles (similar to a resume) of registered CHAP (Community Helpers for Active Participation) who are advertising their services through this site. The service to connect people is free of charge and there is a number of CHAP to choose from. Generally, CHAP registered on this site negotiate their fees between $15 - $25/hr. depending on the person’s support needs, the duties required and the CHAP’s skills and experience. You do not need to be receiving a specific funding to use the service. It is the responsibility of the person requiring support and/or their family to interview, select, negotiate wage, hours and support details with the CHAP. The person requiring support is also responsible to oversee that the service provided meets their expectations.
CHAP are not employees of, Catulpa Community Support Services, or Empower Simcoe. Payment for services of the CHAP are paid directly by the family who selected the CHAP. It is the responsibility of the family and the CHAP to determine if they are entering an employer/employee relationship or a contracted service arrangement.
CHAP Registration Process:
To be eligible to advertise within this program, registrants are required to provide (2) professional CHAP references (on the forms provided) – (one must be a current or most recent employer), a current resume and a current Criminal Police Records Check & Vulnerable Persons Check (no older than six months). All registrants are also required to attend a CHAP program introduction session.
Once the registration process is complete:
The CHAP registrant’s profile is then made active on the website database allowing them to advertise through a profile and classified ad they may post. Families choose who they would like to contact for an interview. CHAP negotiate their days, hours of availability and fees with the family at the interview. It is recommended to complete a written contract/agreement that would state the negotiated start date, rate of pay, and duties and identify if they entering an employer/employee relationship or a contracted service arrangement.
You can learn more about how a Direct Support Provider might be characterized by visiting the following websites:
• Government of Canada - Employee or Self-Employed Guide
• Government of Canada - Determining the Employee/Employer Relationship
• Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services - Hiring a Support Worker Guide
• Ontario Ministry of Labour - Fact Sheet – Difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor
Getting Started
IIIIIIII If you are interested in accessing respite information and services in Simcoe County, and do not have a username and password, please complete the family registration form.

Your completed registration will be received by a Coordinator and you will be contacted.
If you have previously registered with, and have received a username and password, please login to access your registration information.