What do I tell the Provider about my family member?
Share any information you feel is important to your family member's care. A useful resource to you can be
Some things to know about me document. You can also share with them any medical information, behavioural triggers, emergency procedures and contacts, and any routines that would be useful for a provider.
I can not access my account, what do I do?
connect with a Facilitator.
When I receive profiles what do I do?
You will receive an email notifying you to check your account. Once you are logged in you will see provider's profiles. You can review the profiles and decide what providers you are interested in. Once you have decided who you would like to connect with, you can call them using the phone number on their profile.
It is the responsibility of the family to connect with a provider; a provider does not have any family information and will NOT contact you.
It is then the responsibility of the family to screen and decide what provider best fits their needs. Peel Respite Services does NOT screen providers for you, a police check is required for a provider to be launched on the database; however, providers can be on the database for many years and therefore families should require current police checks.
How much do I pay a Provider?
This is a conversation to be had between the provider and family when building a contract. Many factors can be taken into the consideration, such as, travel, entry fees to community programs, is the individual napping or active, etc. To find up-to-date information on the Minimum Wage information please
click here for Ontario.ca wage rates.
Can I keep provider profiles for later use?
No, profiles should only be kept for 48 hours. Providers are often beginning new contracts and their availability is constantly changing. New families and providers are constantly being recruited and our database is constantly changing. Therefore we recommend immediately screening them. If you need more profiles at any time, update your profile to receive more profiles, or connect with a facilitator.
I can not find a Respite Provider, what do I do?
You can start by updating your profile, and matches will be generated based on your update.
After you connect with the new matches and are not able to find a match; then review the
Provider Classified Ads to see if there is a potential match available there. If you find a classified ad that you would like to know more about, then
email a Facilitator with that ad's ID# and the full profile will be sent to you. If none of these work, then you can connect with a
Facilitator to discuss if there are any alternative options available.
What should I ask a provider during an interview?
Make sure to have your questions prepared when meeting with a provider. You will want to clarify their availability and ability to provide support to your family member. You may want to ask about previous experiences, why they want to provide respite, and discuss their skills. You can explain your family member's needs and ask if they have specific experiences they would require. There is a list of potential questions you may be interested in asking in the Information Package.
What is a 'probationary period?' How long is this? When is this used?
A probationary - or trial - period can be a short period of time at the beginning of a new arrangement to see if this relationship between provider and family is the right fit. This allows for the opportunity to opt out of the contract if either party feels this is not a good fit without any questioning or contractual repercussions. This period is not required, but an option if either family or provider is interested.
This period has no set time, it could be a number of weeks or months decided between the family and provider.
It is important to remember that during this trial period, the provider is paid the full agreed upon rate of pay. An example could be: the provider and family will enter this agreement as of Sept. 1, 2018 to Sept. 1 2019, including a probationary period from Sept. 1, 2018 to Nov. 1, 2018.
What should a length of agreement be?
The length of any agreement is dependant on the conversation between provider and family. There is no requirement of length a provider will support a family, nor is there a recommended amount of time. If there is a set amount of months a family is requiring support, then that can be included in the agreement. For example: the provider would support the family every Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm to 6pm for the months of Sept., Oct., Nov. of 2018.
What do to after a contract/agreement is signed?
- Contact a respite facilitator to inform them you have found a respite provider.
- Update your profile and your time of needed respite as they have changed. (If you no longer have any time required then you can deselect all times and your profile will be put as inactive status until you are ready to look for more support).
- Enjoy your respite time!
Will Peel Respite Services help hire a provider for me?
Respite Facilitators can help facilitate the networking between families looking for respite support and respite providers in their community. Facilitators do no provide any recommendations on providers registered on the database, nor will they complete the hiring process on behalf of a family (interviewing, reference checks, police check, etc).
Providers on the respiteservices.com/peel database are not hired by Respite Services, nor are they employees of Peel Respite Services. Respite Facilitators will not monitor or supervise providers once they are contracted by a family.
What do I ask a reference?
You can ask a reference how they know the provider, and if you have any specific questions. You can also ask if the reference has observed the provider support individuals with special needs before.
For more potential questions to ask a provider's reference, please refer to the Information Package.
Information above is based on reoccurring questions from current and previous respite providers. This is not legal or comprehensive information, if you have any other questions please connect with a Facilitator and/or refer to the Information Package.