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Individuals 18 years and older must be registered with DSO to be eligible for Adult services in Ontario. If you or someone you support is 16-18 years old and preparing for transition to the Adult system OR If you are 18 and older and have not previously been registered with DSO or received services please contact DSO Central East Region at 1-855-277-2121 or refer to their website.

What is Passport?

Passport is a program that helps adults 18 years or older with a developmental disability to participate in their communities. It also helps caregivers of an adult with a developmental disability take a break from their caregiving responsibilities. Passport provides funding for services and supports so adults with a developmental disability can:

  • take part in community classes or recreational programs
  • develop work, volunteer, and daily life skills
  • hire a support worker
  • create their own life plans to reach their goals (person-directed planning)
  • get temporary respite for their caregivers
Click for further information:
“Passport Funding: What Can I use it for?”
(2 pages)
 “Passport Program: Guidelines for Adults with a Developmental Disability and their Caregivers” (18 pages)

Who does the Passport program serve?

Passport funding is for people with a developmental disability who 18 years of age or older and:

  • need support to participate in the community while they are still in school
  • have left school and are living on their own, with family or independently in a supportive living arrangement

How to Apply

Developmental Services Ontario manages the application process for all provincially-funded developmental services and supports for adults with a developmental disability in Ontario. Contact Developmental Services Ontario (Central East Region) to apply for adult developmental services, including Passport. If you’re eligible, staff there will help you complete a developmental services application package to assess your needs and connect you with available services and supports.

Developmental Services Ontario (Central East Region)
Email: dsocentraleast@yssn.ca
Phone: 905-953-0796 or 1-855-277-2121
Fax: 905-952-2077

Passport is funded by the Ontario Government and administered by local Passport Agencies. In Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough and Northumberland your Passport agency is:

Tri-County Support Services
349A George Street North
Suite 302
Peterborough ON
K9H 3P9
Tel: (705) 749-6681, Ext. 234

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