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Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities

The Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD) program provides financial assistance to parents to help with the extraordinary cost related to their child's severe disability.  It is a direct funding program for low and moderate income families.

Who Can Apply?

Parents, family members, legal guardians and individuals 16 of years of age and over may apply.

Who is Eligible?

  • Resident of Ontario
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Children who have a severe disability which results in a functional loss
  • Live at home with families (or legal guardian)
  • Have extraordinary cost which are incurred directly as a result of the disability

What are extraordinary costs?

  • Transportation to and from medical appointments
  • Specialized clothing
  • Trained Sitters
  • Caregiver Respite
  • Specialized learning and development equipment
  • Social Opportunities

What is included in the benefit?

  • The amount of financial assistance is determined based on your yearly extraordinary expenses and your gross family income.  Minimum monthly payment is no less than $25 per month and no more than $440.00 per month
  • A drug card (includes prescriptions drugs)
  • A Dental card (basic coverage)
  • Vision and Hearing Service
  • Items related to vision and hearing services
  • The consumer contribution for an Assistive Device under the Assistive Devices Program (provided through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care)
  • The cost of an assessment for an assistive device and the cost of batteries and repairs necessary for mobility devices

How do I apply?

  • You can apply by filling out an application on your own or with the assistance of an agency or  a professional.  An application and expense report can be obtained through your local Regional Office.
  • You will need the following information in order to determine eligibility for this program:
  • An application form - signed
  • A completed Expense Report
  • A medical statement or psychological assessement clearly confirming the diagnosis of your family member's disability
  • Income Verification
  • Verification of Birth for the qualifying child
  • A copy of the child's health card

How is the decision made? 

  • Applications are reviewed and assessed by a Special Agreements Officer who determines eligibility and the amount of money a family can receive based on:
  • The age of the child
  • Household gross income
  • The number of children in the home
  • The extent to which the child is severely limited in activities pertaining to normal living
  • The expenses that the parent/guardian is incurring or might incur solely by reason of the severe disability of the child

What are the Income Qualifications?

The ACSD program is intent for low to moderate income families.  If the family's income were above the set limits, the benefit would not be given, or may be reduced according to the provincial sliding scale.

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information on Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities, please contact one of the following:

Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) Regional Office
17310 Yonge Street 
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 7R8 
Tel.: (905) 868-8900 
Toll Free: 1-877-669-6658
TTY: (905) 715-7759 
Fax: (905) 895-4330 

Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program
Income and Employment Supports
360 George St. N, 2nd Floor
Peterborough, ON  K9H 7E7
Tel: (705) 742-9292
Toll Free: 1-800-663-8560
TDD/TTY: (705) 742-8915
Fax: (705) 742-8048

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