Respite Options

Provided By :
Phone : 905 890 9432 Email Address :

Program Time : Respite and Palliative Respite
Program Time (English) : Week-end, week-long during peak-times
Program Runs from : ongoing
Program Length :
Program Cost : $25.00 per calendar day

Admission Criteria : Respite: children between the ages of 0-18 years who have been deemed MFTD (Medically Fragile and/or Technology Dependent) and who live in Peel, Halton, Wellington, Waterloo or Dufferin are eligible to complete an application form. Palliative Respite: children diagnosed with a life-limiting or life-threatening illness demonstrating a progressive decline are eligible to apply. Medical documentation required.
Activities :
Comments : In our respite program, we provide care to medically fragile and/or technology dependent children in a safe home-like environment; giving parents a much needed break.
In addition to overnight care, we also offer day programming during peak service times (summer, March break, Winter Break, etc). Special requests are also taken into consideration.

Our palliative program offers respite services to children who have been diagnosed with a life threatening, life limiting illness.

The end of life program offers compassionate and non-invasive care and relief of pain during the end stages of life.
Disability / Special Needs : Developmental Disability, G/J Tube, Medical, Medically Complex, Mobility, Oxygen, Personal Care (toileting, diapering), Physical, Physical Disability, Seizures, Suctioning, Tracheotomy, Ventilator
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Out of Home
Age Category : 0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged and 13-17 Adolescent

Agency : The Darling Home for Kids
Agency Contact : Sharleen Sun
Phone : 905 878 7673 x.216
Fax : 905 878 9886
Email Address :
Option offered at : 5657-15th Sideroad, Milton, ON L9E 0C8
Nearest Intersection : Hwy. 25 & 15th Sideroad
Regions : Central