Respite Options
Provided By :
| | |
Phone : |
905 885 6671 x.225 |
Email Address : | |
Program Time :
Host Care
Program Time (English) :
Set up individually for each child/youth |
Program Runs from :
On Going Program |
Program Length :
on going |
Program Cost :
$8/24 hour period |
Admission Criteria :
Must already be active with Community Living Peterborough's Family Support.
Activities :
A child/family is matched with a trained Host Family to provide care on an intermitted short term basis. Short term Host Care can be for a period of four hours to a maximum of 21 days per fiscal year.Flexible schedule is maintained to meet the unique needs of each child and family.
Comments :
Child/Youth must have a primary diagnosis of an intellectual disability, however secondary diagnoses may be accommodated. For more information contact Community Living Peterborough.
Disability / Special Needs :
Developmental Disability |
Individual(s) Served :
Male and Female
Type of Respite :
Out of Home |
Age Category :
0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged, 13-17 Adolescent and 18-21 Young Adult
Agency :
Community Living Peterborough
Agency Contact :
Phone :
705 743 2412 x.542
Fax :
705 743 3722
Email Address :
Option offered at :
223 Aylmer Street, Peterborough, ON K9J 3K3 |
Nearest Intersection :
Aylmer Street and Sherbrooke Street |
Regions :
Peterborough (County)