Respite Options
Provided By :
| | |
Phone : |
613 546 6613 x.2131 |
Email Address : | |
Program Time :
Balsam Grove Community Services
Program Time (English) :
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. |
Program Runs from :
September to June |
Program Length :
Program Cost :
TBD based on client needs |
Admission Criteria :
Must be eligible for Developmental Services
Activities :
All programming focuses on fostering participation in the functional skills needed for the "Job of Living" with key themes of maximizing independence and activities of daily living skills; exploring social and recreational opportunities; health promotion and community inclusion.
Comments :
We strive to create both fun and functional activities through which our participants can choose to grow new skills, as well as maintain current ones. Every attempt is made to offer activities that reflect participants' interests and abilities as well as personal goals.
Disability / Special Needs :
Developmental Disability |
Individual(s) Served :
Male and Female
Type of Respite :
Group |
Age Category :
18-21 Young Adult, 22-30 Adult, 31-50 Adult and 50+ Seniors
Agency :
Agency Contact :
Phone :
613 548 4417
Fax :
613 548 1743
Email Address :
Option offered at :
191 Portsmouth Ave, Kingston, ON |
Nearest Intersection :
Regions :
Kingston and area