Respite Options
Provided By :
| | |
Phone : |
613 546 6613 x.2131 |
Email Address : | |
Program Time :
Saturday Program
Program Time (English) :
10 AM to 4 PM |
Program Runs from :
Every school year |
Program Length :
Every Saturday throughout the school year |
Program Cost :
Determined by level of care |
Admission Criteria :
Children ages 4-12 years, and young adults ages 13-21 years
Activities :
The first half of this program includes crafts, games or a movie. Then may be followed by a recreational outing such as swimming or bowling.
Comments :
Disability / Special Needs :
Individual(s) Served :
Male and Female
Type of Respite :
Out of Home |
Age Category :
0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged, 13-17 Adolescent and 18-21 Young Adult
Agency :
Agency Contact :
Phone :
613 544 8939 x.227
Fax :
613 544 9569
Email Address :
Option offered at :
361 Montreal St, Kingston, ON K7K 3H4 |
Nearest Intersection :
Montreal St./Stephen St. |
Regions :
Kingston and area