Respite Options

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Phone : 416 322 6317 Email Address :

Program Time : ASD Respite Initiative at TRE-ADD
Program Time (English) : Residential Overnights
Program Runs from : Wednesday through Sunday
Program Length : 10 overnights per fiscal year
Program Cost : No cost

Admission Criteria : Children and youth (ages 11 to 17, up to their 18th birthday) diagnosed with Autism with multiple and complex needs. Must be mobile/physically able.

Special clothing, including diapers, snacks and favourite toys and transitional objects such as special blankets should be provided by the family.
Activities : Respite Services are goal oriented and designed to foster life and social skills, promote adaptive behaviours, healthy recreational activities and community involvement through the use of ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis). This may include life skills, activities and outings such as swimming and parks.
Cost: No cost. Parents are encouraged to contribute some funding to be used towards the costs of admissions to parks or other attractions and for special outings to community activities and restaurants.
Comments : Respite is provided to children and youth (11- 17 years old, up to their 18th birthday) at the TRE-ADD Respite Program provided by Community Living Toronto.

Parents who register their children to our services are encouraged to meet with staff on a regular basis to benefit from the staff feedback regarding their child's respite stay.
Parents may be invited to participate in parent training or educational opportunities provided by the TRE-ADD team at Surrey Place Centre designed to reduce stress and increase understanding of Autism.

Referral Process:

Referrals are made through each region’s respective planning committee
Central West: Peel Regional Respite Planning Group (PRRPG)
Toronto: Skylark Special Needs Team (SNT)
Central East: Case Coordination Committee
Disability / Special Needs : Challenging Behaviours
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Residential Respite (Overnight)
Age Category : 13-17 Adolescent

Agency : Community Living Toronto**
Agency Contact : Adrineh Bennett
Phone : 647 729 0450
Fax :
Email Address :
Option offered at : 2907 Weston Road, Toronto, ON M9M 2S6
Nearest Intersection : Weston and 401
Regions : Central, East, North and West