Respite Options

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Phone : 519 627 7882 Email Address :

Program Time : Children's Respite
Program Time (English) : Continuous
Program Runs from : Continuous
Program Length :
Program Cost : $15.00/day, $3.00/hour Drop-In

Admission Criteria : Intellectual Disability
Physical Disabilities
Activities : Sailing, Horseback-Riding, Swimming, Fishing, Crafts, Movies, Parades, Staying at a Cottage
Comments : Staff ensures the needs of the person are met based on information from families, medical professionals, and other professionals in the person's life
Provide self-care and daily living needs
Encourage skill development based on recognized abilities and needs
Recreational options
Disability / Special Needs : Autism Spectrum Disorder, Catheterization, Challenging Behaviours, G/J Tube, Intellectual Disability, Physical Disability, Tracheotomy, Ventilator
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Out of Home
Age Category : 0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged, 13-17 Adolescent and 18-21 Young Adult

Agency : Community Living Chatham-Kent
Agency Contact : Community Living Chatham Kent
Phone : 519 352 1174
Fax : 519 352 5459
Email Address :
Option offered at : 91/95 St. Anthony Street, Chatham, ON N7M 3Y2
Nearest Intersection : Park Avenue and Peter Street
Regions : Chatham-Kent