Respite Options

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Phone : 519 657 4570 Email Address :

Program Time : Trafalgar - Parent Relief
Program Time (English) : Overnight
Program Runs from : Ongoing Program
Program Length :
Program Cost : $10/night(under18)$23.80(adult)

Admission Criteria : Children and adults with a primary diagnosis of an intellectual disability are eligible. Completion of an "All About Me" or "Let Me Introduce Myself" package*, consent to share information and a medical certificate signed by a doctor are required.
* children/adults receiving SSAH that utilize the services of a respite coordinator at VON, may have already completed this form. Permission to share with Community Living London is required.
Activities : Creative arts, leisure, bowling, swimming, community based activities for example but not limited to these options
Comments : Licensed to provide respite for up to 5 people (adults & children are booked in at the same time, with staffing reflective of the needs). This home is fully accessible including track lifts in the ceiling and a stair lift to get to the accessible backyard playground.
Disability / Special Needs : Developmental Disability
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Centre-Based Respite
Age Category : 0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged, 13-17 Adolescent, 18-21 Young Adult, 22-30 Adult and 31-50 Adult

Agency : Community Living London
Agency Contact : Amy Verberne
Phone : 519 686 3000 x.341
Fax : 519 686 5490
Email Address :
Option offered at : 1655 Trafalgar St., London, ON
Nearest Intersection : Trafalgar/Highbury/Gale
Regions : London