Respite Options

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Phone : 519 273 1020 Email Address :

Program Time : Rotary Respite House
Program Time (English) : Weekends, March Break, Christmas, Summer Break
Program Runs from : Available Year Round
Program Length :
Program Cost : Minimal Parent Fee

Admission Criteria : Caregivers supporting a child (0-18) with severe physical, developmental or mental health needs and residing in Perth County.
Activities : Rotary Respite House is a barrier free home on the outskirts of Stratford. Children who attend participate in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities including games, movies and crafts. Outings may include swimming and trips to the local parks. The staff of the Rotary Respite House work hard to adapt their program to the needs of the children that are currently in the house.
Comments : The Rotary Respite House is a joint venture between the Rotary Clubs of Perth County and Family Services Perth-Huron.
Disability / Special Needs : Acquired Brain Injury, Alternative Communication Devices, Assistive Devices (wheelchair, etc.), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioural, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI), Developmental Disability, Dual Diagnosis, First Aid, Lift/Transfers, Medical, Medically Complex, Medication Administration, Nursing, Personal Care (toileting, diapering), Physical Disability, Sensory Integration, Sign Language, Speech & Language / Communication
Individual(s) Served : Male and Female
Type of Respite : Agency Respite Home
Age Category : 0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged and 13-17 Adolescent

Agency : Family Services Perth-Huron
Agency Contact : Nicole Malcho
Phone : 519 273 1020 x.113
Fax : 519 273 6993
Email Address :
Option offered at : 35 McManus Road, Stratford, ON
Nearest Intersection : Vivian St. and Highway 19 N.
Regions : Perth