Respite Options
Provided By :
| | |
Phone : |
519 273 1020 |
Email Address : | |
Program Time :
Kids Country Club
Program Time (English) :
Closed on alternate weekends |
Program Runs from :
Available Year Round |
Program Length :
Visits can be overnight up to 10 days, depending on family need |
Program Cost :
No Cost |
Admission Criteria :
Children who are described as medically fragile and/or technologically dependent and reside in the South West region of Ontario.
Activities :
We provide the type of care that is usually provided by health care professionals in a hospital or an institution.
Comments :
We provide a safe, secure and fun out-of-home experience. Children love their respite visits because it offers new stimulation and more friendly faces in their lives, and their self-esteem is enhanced when they have an opportunity for their individual time away from their family
Disability / Special Needs :
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Crisis Prevention and Intervention (CPI), First Aid, Lift/Transfers, Medical, Medication Administration, Nursing, Personal Care (toileting, diapering) |
Individual(s) Served :
Male and Female
Type of Respite :
Agency Respite Home |
Age Category :
0-5 Preschool, 6-12 School Aged and 13-17 Adolescent
Agency :
Kids Country Club
Agency Contact :
Phone :
519 473 1598
Fax :
519 473 7939
Email Address :
Option offered at :
87 Chestnut Hill, London, ON N6K 4J7 |
Nearest Intersection :
Commissioners/Chestnut Hill |
Regions :