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Respite Network Members Information

Agence : Reach for the Rainbow
Adresse postale : 563 Dundas St E #201, Toronto, ON M5A 2B7
Secteurs de la communauté : Ouest
Informations générales : Reach for the Rainbow develops integrated community and summer camp opportunities across Ontario for children and youth with disabilities. Through a tested model of integrated programming, training and active resource support, Reach for the Rainbow
-Provides an opportunity for children and youth with physical and/or developmental disabilities, living at home, to participate in typical summer camps and community programs
-Provides training opportunities for camp staff and on-going consultation with parents and campers which helps promote a successful, integrated experience that benefits parents, campers, staff, and community alike
-Allows the opportunity for respite care in valued settings. Respite strengthens families caring for individuals with disabilities at home and creates a positive impact on their quality of life

Admissibilité : Project Rainbow serves children and youth with disabilities who are living at home.
Catégorie(s) d'âges : d'âge préscolaire, d'âge scolaire, adolescent
Type de soins de répit : Camp
Contact pour les soins de répit : the Rainbow, Reach for
Courriel de contact :
Téléphone : 416 503 0088
Numéro 1-800 :
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