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Les partenaires de répit communautaire

Agence : Tamir
Adresse postale : 218 - 11 Nadolny Sachs Private, Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9
Secteurs de la communauté : Ouest
Informations générales : Tamir Timeshare provides “round the clock” support to one individual on a permanent basis and three additional spaces that are shared on a rotating basis. Individuals with a wide range of disabilities visit for one month stays, three times per year. Families meet with Tamir annually to set the schedule of visits for the upcoming year. The program gives parents a much needed break from their constant responsibilities as caregivers and offers their adult children the opportunity to learn new skills, form new relationships and become more involved in their community.
Admissibilité : Eligibility is based on Service Coordination’s registry in conjunction with Tamir’s placement criteria. Individuals must be 16 years of age or older. Prospective participants need to demonstrate the ability to adapt to the physical and social environment without jeopardizing the safety of themselves or others in the program. Participants must also have established full time day supports and be committed to three, one month respite stays per year in order to access the program.
Catégorie(s) d'âges : jeune adulte
Type de soins de répit : L'éxterieur de la maison, Soins de longues durées
Contact pour les soins de répit : Oakley, Laurie
Courriel de contact :
Téléphone : 613 725 3519 x.110
Numéro 1-800 :
Télécopieur : 613 725 6045
Site Web :