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Les partenaires de répit communautaire

Agence : Ottawa Carleton Lifeskills Inc.
Adresse postale : 9-1 Brewer Hunt Way, Ottawa, ON K2K 2B5
Secteurs de la communauté : Kanata
Informations générales : Lifeskills Program
Based on a classroom model, instructors present on a variety of subjects; socializing, nutrition and cooking, hygiene, anger management, exercise class, sexuality, current events, textiles, computers, smart board etc…
Volunteer work placements, social enterprise; tableworks, heartwood

Leisure Program
For older participants who are looking for a more relaxed pace and atmosphere. OCL offers activities such as arts & crafts, cooking, story time, outings, smart board, exercise class, a sensory room, and games. This program is a quieter, low demand environment.

Saturday Day Program (3 Saturdays per month)
Calm social atmosphere, baking, sensory room, reading, arts and crafts

Individualized skill development (within the community, varied hours)
Laundry, budgeting, grocery shopping, meal preparation, house cleaning

Supported Independent Living
Supports individuals with a developmental disability who live in their own apartments, either alone or with a friend. These individuals rent apartments in locations most suitable to their needs, employment, social activities and finances. Individuals must have some self-help and safety skills. Each person receives approximately four (4) hours a week of staff support. These hours are divided and planned according to the individual’s schedule.
Staffs supports the individuals of this program with finding employment, as well as assistance with finances, housekeeping, shopping and cooking, managing medical issues and social relationships.
Admissibilité : Developmental Disability
DSOER referral
Fee for service option
Catégorie(s) d'âges : jeune adulte, 22 à 30 ans, adulte, 31 à 50 ans, adulte
Type de soins de répit : Répit de fin de semaine, Programme de participation communautaire
Contact pour les soins de répit : Caron, Kim
Courriel de contact :
Téléphone : 613 254 9400
Numéro 1-800 :
Télécopieur : 613 254 9401
Site Web :