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ASD Respite Funding

In August 2007 the Ministry of Children & Youth Services (MCYS) announced additional respite supports for families/guardians caring for children/youth with a diagnosis within the Autism Spectrum.

RESPITE is defined as:  "a flexible, periodic, short-term break from care-giving for the purpose of rest and renewal for the family" (As defined in the South West Region document -- An Ideal Model for Children & Youth - Respite Services and Supports, June 2007)

What is ASD Respite Support?

ASD Respite Support is a flexible, self-directed funding support.  This funding will provide family members or guardians, temporary relief from the physical and emotional demands involved with caring for children with ASD.

ASD Respite Support will allow the child/youth to engage in meaningful and purposeful activities that promote the continuity of skills and/or help develop new skills and relationships.  The respite supports can occur in a variety of ways.

Families may:

  • Engage in the services of a respite support person who will take over the care-giving responsibilities.
  • Consider using a community based program (which may include 1:1 fees in addition to program fees)
  • Consider using a centre based respite which is provided in a residence with trained, paid staff.

Who is eligible to receive this service?

  • Families and or guardians caring for children/youth who have a documented diagnosis within the Autism Spectrum  including: Autistic Disorder (Autism),  Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), Asperger's Disorder.
  • Children/youth aged 0-17 (up to the child's 18th birthday).

How will families access it?

The Family Counselling Centre will receive applications on behalf of individuals in our community.  Applications will be distributed to all those known to the ASD Respite Committee and new individuals are welcome to apply each year that the funding is made available.

  • Eligibility will be determined by the Family Counselling Centre as per  MCYS guidelines.
  • The local ASD Respite Committee will decide annually on the number of applications that will receive final approval and subsidy amount designated to the individual
  • The funding is provided for the fiscal year, from April 1st to March 31st and must be used during this time

How does it work?

Payment for the respite supports will be made by the Family Counselling Centre.  Families will submit receipts and/or required paperwork in order to be reimbursed for the respite option of their choice.  Other arrangements for payment will be dependent upon the respite plan.

Families are able to pool their respite allocation with other funding they may receive (SSAH, ACSD). 

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