Home Share Providers Needed
Full-time homes, as well as part-time and occassional respite homes are needed for adults living within Prince Edward County and surrounding areas. Home Share Providers receive financial remuneration, training and ongoing support from Community Living. To find out how you can provide a caring home atmosphere for a child or adult living with an intellectual disability please contact:
Julie Fowler at C.L.P.C 613-476-6038 ext 130 or email: julie.fowler@clpe.on.ca
Out of Home Respite Providers Needed
Provide short term respite in your home for a child with special needs. Supplement your income while enhancing the life of a child with special needs and giving his/her family a much needed break. We welcome applicants from Belleville, Trenton, Centre Hastings, Prince Edward County and surrounding areas. For further information please contact: Julie Fowler at C.L.P.E. 613-476-6038 (ext 130) or email: julie.fowler@clpe.on.ca