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8th International Short Break Association 2012 Respite Conference

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8th International Short Break Association
2012 Respite Conference



October 10th - 12th 2012
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Le Meridien King Edward Hotel

Professionals, families and people providing care
come together to share information about best practice and
models for short break/respite care through out the world.

Join us for this exciting and energizing opportunity!

For up to date information and details, visit the website:

International Short Break Association

Background Information 

The 8th International Short Breaks Association Conference will be held in Canada in Toronto from October 10-12, 2012. A committee of persons in Ontario, working together with an international committee, is developing an inspiring and meaningful conference about respite/short break care. This conference which is hosted by a different country each time has been running since 1995. It showcases the best in international short break/respite practice and research. It attracts prominent delegates from all parts of the globe. Consequently, this is an exciting opportunity for Canada to promote the excellent practices in existence here, including your services, and to learn from international experience. 

The theme of the conference is “Respite is Key”. There will be four areas of concentration:
  • Opening the door: Respite as a means to giving people opportunity for a meaningful life in the community. We will encourage dialogue about “respite with a purpose”.
  • The strengthening families: Models for flexible respite programs and government models/approaches, research about respite/short break care, family feedback about how respite care needs to be structured to provide the support needed.
  • Unlocking resources: How are countries managing respite/short break with limited resources; how do families manage with limited resources; how do we combine paid and natural supports for families.
  • Treasures found: focusing on nurturing relationships- how do we ensure that the right people are in place to provide the care, how do we minimize risk, tools for people providing the care, what is person centered support.

In addition to the conference workshops there will be opportunities to share information from participant countries about the types of respite programs provided.   

For Sponsorship inquires, you can contact

Catherine Shanahan
Executive Director
Family Respite Services, Windsor Essex

Leslie Atkinson
Executive Director
Safeguards Training

Click here to view Sponsorship Opportunities

Click here to download a flyer to distribute!


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