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What is a Respite contractor?

What is a Respite contractor?


  • A Respite contractor is a person who wishes to provide respite supports to individuals with special needs. 
  • He/she works independently of any Respite network agency and is self employed.

  • He/she may request to advertise their services on this website  www.respiteservices.com


What is www.respiteservices.com and the Respite contractor registry?

  • The website www.respiteservices.com is a public service, funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Children and Youth Services and local Respite Network agencies.

  • It is hosted by the Geneva Centre for Autism in Toronto

  • In Cochrane Temiskaming, there is a local listing of Respite contractors called a Respite contractor registry.


How can a Respite contractor advertise their services on www.respiteservices.com?

  • In order for Respite contractors to advertise their services on the www.respiteservices.com website,

  • A Respite Network agency has seen but not read a Vulnerable sector’s check and has seen but not read three references which the Respite contractor has provided.


You are strongly encouraged to follow the 3 step process outlined

before accepting a self-employed Respite contractor or when considering anyone to provide respite care for someone with special needs.

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