The CHAP (Community Helpers for Active Participation) Program is an integral part of respiteservices.com. This program was initially developed through a partnership between Geneva Centre for Autism and Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre in 1990. Since this time, the program has grown, and with the formation of the Toronto Respite Network in 2000, now collaborates with over 30 agencies across the City of Toronto.
For over 20 years, the CHAP program has been Toronto's leading resource for one-to-one Independent Respite Providers within developmental services. Having more than 7000 families registered and over 1500 Independent Respite Providers that have gone through a rigorous screening process, the CHAP Program stands proudly as Canada's largest Independent Respite Provider Database.
The respiteservices.com/supportyourway.ca website is a free online information service that local organizations throughout Ontario support for the benefit of people with disabilities, their families and individual service providers in the community. The website includes a database through which people with disabilities and/or their families can make their support needs known, and through which Independent Respite Providers can offer their services.
The Independent Respite Provider Database is updated regularly as new Independent Respite Providers join and successful matches are made.
For more information if you are a Respite Worker and to register as an Independent Respite Provider, follow link below:
Independent Respite Providers
For more information if you are a Family and would like to access the CHAP program, follow link below:
Family Registry